The Cement Girl Process

I channel my creative vision into my work by utilizing organic materials and found objects to build pieces which can then be implemented into a natural garden setting. The two main materials that I use to bring my creations to life are concrete and cement.


Concrete is basically a mixture of aggregates and paste. This paste, consisting of portland cement and water, binds the aggregates (sand and crushed stone) into a rocklike mass as the paste hardens due to the chemical reaction of the cement and water (hydration). I use a 5 gallon bucket with a drill and a mixing blade attachement, however there’s no substitution for a good mixer.


Cement can be any of various calcined mixtures of clay and limestone, usually mixed with water and sand, gravel, etc., to form concrete. My favorite cement to use is Super-Krete.

I choose to work with concrete and cement because it gives a natural quality to all of my pieces that will last for decades.  I then finish with a unique glazing process of my own creation that gives each piece it’s own organic color and design.


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